Our Why

It’s in the name. Kara, Lacey‘s daughter, is one of five siblings, the middle child of four brothers. Lily, Danielle‘s beautiful daughter, is one of three. She graces us with her presence during pour days and some markets too!
Kara was 18 years old in March 2023 when we lost her to a wrong way driver. She can be described as full of life, love, and kindness. Kara was fashion forward and had a strong work ethic. She was ready to embrace life like most young adults her age. Kara’s beauty stopped the room, and her smile lit it up. Her inward beauty brought out acceptance and love to most everyone she encountered. She naturally boosted up those around her with compliments and helping hand.
Losing Kara lead, Danielle and I to reevaluate what makes life important. Our answer was God, family, friends, and living life with both purpose and passion. Our purpose is growing closer to God and our family, by gaining the ability to spend quality time with them and growing our joy. Our passion is reminding us all to live like Kara and carry on her name with each candle we make. Sharing her warmth, comfort, love, happiness, memory, and especially her light.

Thank you for taking the time to learn our why. We love and appreciate you. God bless!

Lacey McLaughlin & Danielle Tanner